For us to live and serve God according to the vision of age in the ministry of the age is to live out and work out the New Jerusalem, as seen in the intrinsic significance of the ministry of Ezra and the leadership of Nehemiah and the application of the New Jerusalem with its […]
Serve God According to the Vision of the Age: Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem
Choose to take the Way of Life and not the Way of Power to be Those who Bring forth Christ

When reading the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth we need to beware of not taking the way of the judges to be powerful and to do a great work but rather, take the way of life in the church life, for only life can bring forth Christ. Amen! This week we come to the […]
The Will of God is our Sanctification: being Separated unto Him and Saturated with Him

The will of God is our sanctification, that is, that we may be made holy – both separated unto God and saturated with God as the Holy One, and our sanctification is unto sonship. Hallelujah for God’s will! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Will of God – […]
The Nazarites are Sanctified Absolutely to God and Abstain from Earthly Enjoyment

God desires that all His people be Nazarites, those who are sanctified and separated absolutely and ultimately to God; these are for nothing other than God, and they abstain from earthly enjoyment or pleasure because they are for God’s satisfaction. Who can be such a one? Who can be absolutely for God, seeking nothing else […]
Believers are Holy Priests Separated unto God and Saturated with God’s Holy Element

All believers in Christ are priests to God. According to the Bible, there are two orders of the priesthood: the holy priesthood (the priesthood according to the order of Aaron) and the royal priesthood (the priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek). In Heb. 7 we see these two orders and how Christ is a […]
God’s Calling is According to His Purpose in Christ through the Gospel to be Holy

The Old Testament is a book of pictures, types, figures, and signs; the New Testament is a book of the spiritual reality of the signs and types in the Old Testament. If we have a bird’s-eye view of the whole Bible we will realize that many truths and principles are sown as seeds in Genesis, […]
Being Separated unto God and Coming to the Mountain to see a Revelation of God

The purpose of God’s calling of Moses was to deliver God’s people out of Egypt and bring them into the land of Canaan where they can become the kingdom of God and build the temple of God. In fulfilling the purpose of God’s calling there were three stations the people of Israel went through: the […]