In order for us as the church to accomplish God’s economy, we need to be separated from the world in all of its aspects. Amen! This week in our crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to a not-so-positive matter, that is, God’s Judgement upon Egypt and Babylon. In the book of Jeremiah we see […]
Being Separated from the World in all its Aspects and Enjoying God as the Living Waters
The Original Condition of the Church and the need for the Recovery of the Church

In order for us to recognize the need for the recovery of the church, we need to first know the original condition of the church and then see the degradation of the church. What is in God’s heart to have is the church, for the church is His corporate expression on earth, and the church […]
Living in Resurrection after Being Separated from the World through our Baptism

After the people of Israel had such a great exodus from Egypt, experienced Jehovah’s mighty hand to deliver them from Pharaoh and his usurpation, crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, and saw Pharaoh’s armies being swallowed by the waters of the sea, they were ecstatic, singing the song of Moses. Then, they moved […]
Being Separated unto God and Coming to the Mountain to see a Revelation of God

The purpose of God’s calling of Moses was to deliver God’s people out of Egypt and bring them into the land of Canaan where they can become the kingdom of God and build the temple of God. In fulfilling the purpose of God’s calling there were three stations the people of Israel went through: the […]
I no longer want to be under Satan’s grip: I decide to be a Nazarite! (sharing from the Poland camp)
Every year we have the privilege of being with the Lord on the mountain – almost literally, in the mountains of Tatry in Poland, in a small village in Male Ciche, with hundreds of young lovers of the Lord! Coming from Europe mainly and also from other continents, we spend one whole week going through […]