As believers in Christ who love Him and pursue Him according to the revelation in His word, we need to focus on, stress, and minister one thing: the heavenly vision of the eternal economy of God which is that God became man to be man-ized so that He may make man God in life and […]
In the Church Life we Focus on the Heavenly Vision of the Eternal Economy of God
We Live a Life of Godliness by being Governed and Energized by the Heavenly Vision

Prov. 29:18a says, Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; we need to see the heavenly vision and be governed by it, even be controlled and directed by it, so that our life may be full of meaning and purpose. This week in our Crystallization-study of Proverbs we come to the topic […]
Paying the Price to have the Upper-Room Consecration to follow the Heavenly Vision

For us to be in the continuation of the book of Acts, we need to continue to live in the divine history by having an upper-room consecration, being willing to pay the price and be “married” to the heavenly vision of Christ and the church. If we read the book of Acts we will realise […]
Seeing the Heavenly Vision and being Energised and Burdened to Carry out God’s Plan

We need to see the heavenly vision, be converted from everything else to Christ, be filled with Christ and be energised and burdened by the vision to carry out God’s plan, serving the Lord with a vision. In the book of Acts we see how the Lord appeared to Paul to bring him into the […]
Our Urgent Need is to see a Governing and Controlling Vision of the One New Man

In these last days of this age, before the Lord is able to return, we all must see the vision of the one Body of Christ and in particular the vision of the one new man, and this vision must control us and direct us toward God’s destination. We need to realise that the Lord’s […]
Lord, Release us from Ourselves and Bring us on a High Mountain to See the Vision!

We need to have a heavenly vision that governs us, directs us, encourages us, and takes us on with the Lord, making us one with Him for His purpose. In order for us to have a heavenly vision from God we need to pray – we need to open to the Lord in prayer, asking […]