In His ascension the victorious Christ led captive those taken captive, and He led a train of captives to the height. This is very wonderful yet so mysterious. Christ fought the spiritual warfare since His incarnation through His human living, His death, and His resurrection, and now even in His ascension He still fights the […]
In His Ascension the Victorious Christ Led Captives as Sons of God in the Heavenlies
Being Released from Satan’s Usurpation through Baptism, a Declaration of our Faith

In Exodus, we see how God wanted to deliver His people from Egypt and bring them to the good land where they could serve Him and build up His habitation, His dwelling place. First, God called Moses and sent him to deliver His people from Egypt and, after displaying His mighty works and exposing the […]
The Purpose of God’s Calling to Bring out Satan’s hand into the All-Inclusive Christ

Do you know what is the purpose of God’s calling? Did God call you? Did God appear to you and call You for His purpose? In Exodus 3 we see how God came and called Moses, and the purpose of His calling was, on the negative side, to deliver God’s people from the usurpation and […]
Where are You? Without Hope in the World! Now as saved ones we’re in the kingdom of God, the church!
This sharing is a continuation of some enjoyment from the conference this past weekend – the general subject was, Where Are You? In the first part we saw that we are hiding from God (yet no one can really hide from God, He can see us and He even is seeking us) and we are […]
seeing the world, the life in the world, and the way to escape: HALLELUJAH!!! (2011 Poland Camp)
In this year’s Young People’s Conference in Poland I appreciated the brothers pointing out the facts to us – as seen in Exodus. These facts are concerning Egypt (the world system that Satan created), concerning what life in Egypt is like, and how to escape the tyranny and slavery of Egypt. I was impressed that […]
as young people in Europe, we are fighting at the front line of the battle for the Lord(2011 Poland camp)
Praise the Lord for another wonderful Christ filled week at the 2011 Poland Camp. This year the subject for the Camp was ‘Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus’. The Book of Exodus unlike Genesis begins negatively – Exodus begins with the Children of Israel in a situation of slavery in Egypt under Satan’s […]
being saved from Satan’s usurpation and occupation to meet God’s need(2011 Poland camp)
Wow, what a wonderful Christ we have! This week at the Poland camp has really given me a different view of the world. Everything around us is just like Egypt – corrupted, perverted, vain, and all for temporary self-satisfaction. All the worldly enjoyment are used by Satan to usurp, occupy, and enslave us – he […]