David’s kindness to Mephibosheth signifies the kindness of God; it is the kindness and the love of our Savior God that reached us, saved us and made us sons of God who enjoy Him together with the saints in His house at His table. And this is not something that we experience initially when […]
It’s the Kindness and the Love of our Savior God that Saved us: we’re Saved by Grace!
Forget about your “Crippled Feet” and Enjoy the Riches of Christ on the Table with the Saints

May we be those who forget about our “crippled feet” and simply enjoy the riches of Christ on the table together with the saints! As believers in Christ, we have been called and qualified by God to be at His table enjoying His riches; we should not look at ourselves or self-introspect but look […]
We have been Saved by Grace through Faith to be God’s Masterpiece, His New Creation

God’s purpose for the church is threefold: the church must have the full sonship through the process of sanctification, through the church God’s multifarious wisdom would be made known to the enemy, and all things would be headed up in Christ through the church. Last week we enjoyed some great new light concerning what it […]
the Christian living is the living and the experience of grace in the church life

Psalm 133 is a very good picture of the church life today, and a picture is more than 1000 words. Here we see “how good” and “how pleasant” for brothers to dwell in oneness, and this oneness is “like the oil” and “like the dew”. The compound ointment with which the priest was anointed typifies […]