Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past; He chose us to be holy (the same as Him in His holy nature), predestinating us unto sonship (the same as Him in His life), and we can partake of this by […]
Enjoy Sanctification and Sonship: Chosen to be Holy, Predestinating us unto Sonship
The Spirit Renews our Changeable Heart and God Preserves our whole being Complete!

Because our heart is changeable, it is not steadfast but rather blameable; therefore, the Lord needs to establish our heart blameless by renewing it continually, and He sanctifies us wholly and preserves our whole being complete! Hallelujah, faithful is He who called us, for He will also do this in us! Our heart represents our […]
The Holy Spirit Sanctifies us Dispositionally to make us as Holy as God is Holy

Whenever the Bible mentions God, Christ, and the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; these are not interchangeable terms for one person. In a similar way, whenever the Bible speaks of the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; for example, there’s no mention of the Spirit of Christ or the life-giving Spirit anywhere […]
Being Sanctified by the Spirit unto Sonship and Growing in the Life of Christ

As God’s chosen ones, all the believers in Christ are made the sons of God in full by His sanctifying Spirit. First, the Spirit sanctifies us positionally by working in our environment to bring us to salvation, and then He operates in us in a dispositional way to sanctify us dispositionally so that we may […]
the focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is the Divine Trinity for the divine dispensing
What is the focus of all the 22 epistles in the New Testament? Have you ever considered that there’s something deeper in the Epistles, like an underlying structure, a focus? I personally haven’t, to be honest, but by enjoying the morning revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, especially week two, I have been so impressed with this… The focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is not doctrines, teachings, Christianity, working for God, outward practices, etc – the focus of the Epistles is the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing! [read online a comprehensive list of verses in the Epistles clearly showing us the Triune God dispensing Himself into man!]