Experience Christ and the Cross – the One Person and One way given to us by God

Today we need to experience Christ and the cross – enjoy the all-inclusive Christ and allow the cross to operate in us – to live in the kingdom of the Son of God’s love. In the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, there is only one person – the all-inclusive Christ – and one […]

God’s Will is to Build up the Church, which is the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love

The kingdom of the Son of God’s love is a crucial aspect of God’s will; God’s will is to have the church, the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, and we need to enthrone Christ in our being and live in the kingdom of the son of God’s love today. Amen! How we thank […]

Live by the Son as our Life to Live in the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love today

The Father has delivered us out of the authority of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, a wonderful realm of life, love, and light; when we live by the Son as our life in resurrection, we live in this kingdom, enjoying Him in the Father’s love. Amen! […]

Having an Absolute Consecration to the Lord and Fighting the Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan; we as believers in Christ need to fight for the kingdom of God to come in by having an absolute and thorough consecration before the Lord in the day of His spiritual warfare. Amen! Spiritual warfare is a necessity today because Satan […]

Spiritual Warfare is Necessary to Subdue the Satanic Will and Bring in God’s Kingdom

We need to see that spiritual warfare is necessary in order to subdue the satanic will and bring in the kingdom of God. The purpose of spiritual warfare is to bring in the kingdom of God; because Satan’s will is set against God’s will, there’s a conflict, and we human beings can choose the divine […]

As God-men, we are Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species

The kingdom of God is not only the realm of the divine life and of the divine dominion but also the realm of the divine species, in which are all the divine things; we need to live in the kingdom of God as the realm of the divine species in our daily living. Amen! We […]

The Growing of Christ within us for the Body is the Coming of the Kingdom of God

We need to see that the growing of Christ within us for the Body and in the Body is the coming of the kingdom of God in us in a practical way today. As believers in Christ, we have the divine life in the organic union with the Lord, and we need to let the […]