In Phil. 2 we see Christ crucified as our pattern, and this pattern is the crucified life within us; when we live Christ, we live the One who is the pattern of a crucified life. Christ as our pattern is not something only objective, something that we should follow outwardly, but also something subjective and […]
When we Live Christ, we live the One who is the Pattern of a Crucified Life
Our Urgent Need is to Experience Christ as our Pattern of Living a Crucified Life
There is an urgent need among us in the church life in the Lord’s recovery today to experience Christ as our pattern; we need to live Christ in His human living, especially in emptying Himself and humbling Himself and in not grasping equality with God as a treasure. We need not only to know what […]
Christ is the Representation of Submission to Authority; His Life of Submission is in us
Christ, the Son of God, willingly emptied Himself to become a created man; He learned obedience through the things which He suffered, and He became the representation of submission to authority (Phil. 2:6-8). Our pattern in our Christian life is not merely a man but a God-man, our God-man Savior who emptied Himself and humbled […]
As our Pattern, Christ Emptied Himself, Humbled Himself, and was Glorified by God
For us to experience Christ, we need to know Him as the pattern; we need to have Him as the pattern infused into us, realising that Christ emptied Himself and humbled Himself, and later He was exalted and glorified by God. Oh, may this mind be in us – the mind of Christ, the same […]
To Know Christ as the Pattern we need to Let this mind be in us, the Mind of Christ
If we would know Christ as the pattern, we should let the mind which was in Christ Jesus be in us; we need to let this mind be in us, which was also in Christ Jesus. This week we are focusing on, Knowing and Experiencing Christ as the Pattern, as seen mainly in Phil. 2:3-9. […]
Our Natural Ability needs to be Dealt with by the Cross to be Useful in Resurrection
According to the principle in the holy Word of God, our natural strength and ability need to be dealt with by the cross to become useful in resurrection for our service to the Lord. We may have a certain ability or capacity, and we may have love for the Lord and zeal to do His […]
Being Renewed by the Cross, the Spirit, and the Word of God to Live in Resurrection
For us to live in resurrection for the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be renewed day by day by being nourished with the fresh supply of the resurrection life. Our Christian life is a life of being renewed by God with His new element day by day, and the consummation of […]