Exercising our Mingled Spirit of Faith to be Infused with God and Speak for God

 As believers in Christ, we have a mingled spirit of faith, for the divine Spirit mingled Himself with our spirit and infused faith into our spirit; having the same spirit of faith, we believe and we also speak. Amen! God desires to be expressed and represented; for this, He created man in His image […]

Being Filled with the Word to Speak God’s Words for us to Express and Represent God

 As human beings, we are created by God in His image to express Him and represent Him; as believers in Christ, we are born of God in our spirit and we can speak God’s words to represent God. Hallelujah! For us to speak God’s words, we need to be filled with the word of […]

Our Living God Imparts and Infuses Himself as Light and Life into us by His Speaking

 Our God is a speaking God, and by His speaking, God is brought into man and man is brought into God; our life hinges totally upon God’s speaking, for the living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by His speaking, which brings in light and life. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]

Seeing a Prefigure of the Church History in the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle

 The history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a prefigure of the church history, giving us a full portrait of the course and situation of the church from the very beginning to the present time; today the Lord is enlarging the church life and making it more solid. […]

The need for the full Recovery of the Church Life with Christ as the Center and Content

 God’s desire is for Christ to be the center and content of the church so that Christ would be expressed fully in the church; the history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a type of the church history until the recovery of the church life, where God can […]

May we Inquire of God, Lord, what is in Your Heart concerning me? I am here for You!

 When we replace God’s testimony with our need and when we trust in the systems ordained by God without enquiring of Him first, degradation comes in and problems arise; may we open to the Lord and inquire of God, asking Him to infuse us with a desire for His economy so that we may […]

Not Usurping God but Living and Praying for His Economy and having a Normal Church

 May we be those who are not usurping God; rather, may we be those who live and pray for God’s economy and are according to His heart, having a normal church with Christ as the center and content. The move of the Ark in the Old Testament was a picture of God’s move on […]