We need to Recover the Genuine Ground of Oneness for the Building up of the Church

 Because of the apostasy throughout Christendom, because of the high places and the divisions that are in Christendom today, there is the need for the recovery of the genuine ground of oneness, which is composed of the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ, the unique ground of the locality, and the reality […]

We need to Hold to the Church with Christ and Exalt only Christ to Keep the Oneness

 For us to keep the oneness among the people of God, we must destroy the high places, that is, anything that is elevated or exalted above Christ and therefore divides us; anything besides the church with Christ needs to be destroyed so that Christ may be our all in all. Amen! It is very […]

To Preserve the Oneness, we must Destroy the High Places, Anything Exalted above Christ

 In order for us to recover and preserve the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places, anything that is of division and that rises up to replace Christ in our personal life or in the church life. This phrase, the high places, is mentioned again and again in 1 and 2 Kings; […]

The Lord needs a Recovery of Truth and Life because Christianity is Filled with Apostasy

 Today the Lord needs a recovery of truth and life because Christianity is filled with apostasy. Just like Jeroboam did in his time, so today in Christianity there are “centres of worship” set up by today’s “Jeroboams” because of their ambition and selfishness. The Lord desires to have the universal priesthood of His people, […]

Being Saved from Apostasy, from Doing things for the Self under the Cloak of Worshipping God

 One of the most striking things in 1 and 2 Kings is the sins of Jeroboam, or the apostasy of Jeroboam, which can be considered a type of today’s Christianity; we need to be saved from any kind of apostasy, anything that causes us to leave the way of God and do things for […]

Living Stones are Worked on Outwardly and Living Inwardly to be Suitable for God’s Building

 The stones of the temple signify Christ’s humanity in transformation, the transformed Christ – He’s the One suitable for God’s building! He as the living stone is making us living stones through the inward work of regeneration and outward work of cutting and dealing, just as the stones were cut and dealt with before […]

Live by Faith Trusting in God and be Constantly under God’s Judgment to be Pillars

 The pillars of the temple were built of bronze, signifying God’s judgment; for us to be useful to God, we need to be constantly under God’s judgment living a life of trusting in God with no confidence in the flesh, even in the midst of complicated and intermixed situations. Amen! The materials for the […]