The return of the children of Israel from their captivity typifies the recovery of the church, and the aspects of the recovery of the children of Israel to their land, the rebuilding of the temple, the rebuilding of the city, and the establishing of the nation and kingdom of God – they all typify the […]
The Recovery of the Church: the Unique Ground of Oneness and Enjoying Christ Riches
God Prophesied His People will Return from Captivity: we Cooperate by Praying for this

Through Jeremiah, God promised and prophesied that His people will return from captivity and will rebuild God’s house; when Daniel read this, he prayed for God’s will according to the Scriptures, and God fulfilled his prayer. Hallelujah, our God is a God of recovery and restoration! First He calls us, He redeems us, and He […]
God will Recover and Restore His People to Himself: He will Turn them from Captivity

It is so encouraging and uplifting to read God’s promises to recover and restore His people, and to realize that He wants to bring us into the enjoyment of Christ as everything to God and to man so that we may be His people, the church, the Body of Christ! The people of Israel are […]
God Promises to Bring His people from their Captivity back to the Enjoyment of Christ

In Jeremiah Jehovah promised to turn the captivity of Israel and bring them back to their land; God promises to turn the captivity of so His believers and bring them back to the full enjoyment of Christ as the all-inclusive good land. This week in our crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to an […]
God’s Economy concerning the Church: how the History of Israel is a Type of the Church

The history of the children of Israel is a type of the church, and the whole Bible gives us the revelation of God’s economy concerning the church. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the matter of, Aspects of the Church Life under the Government of God, in which we focus on […]
God will shake all things and Christ as the Desire of the nations will come

Christ is the desire of all the nations. Hag. 2:7 says, And I will shake all the nations, and the Desire of all the nations will come. God is continually shaking everything that can be shaken until Christ as the Desire of all the nations will come. Without knowing it, every human being desires Christ. […]