David sent men to bring Mephibosheth from Lo-debar, a place without grass or pasture, even as God sent people to find us and bring us back to Himself to enjoy Him as our portion. This endearing story of David remembering Jonathan, his friend, and wanting to care for anyone who still is from the […]
We Respond to God’s Kindness as He sends people to Bring us to Himself to Enjoy Him
Being Formed into a Corporate Joshua to Take the Land by Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ

In order for us to possess the good land and defeat the satanic forces, we need to be formed into a corporate Joshua, an army, so that we may take the land and enjoy Christ in His all-inclusiveness. We have seen that for us to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive One, the reality of the […]
Coming to the Throne of Grace in our Spirit to enjoy Christ as our great High Priest

How thankful we are to God that we have such a great High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is now in ascension in the heavenlies and also in our spirit! Having therefore a great High Priest – Jesus Christ, the Son of God – who has passed through the heavens, let us hold fast the confession […]
Receiving the Divine Transmission and Being one with Christ to Respond in Prayer

It is so wonderful and encouraging to realize that Christ is in the heavens as our divine High Priest interceding for us, and He was appointed by God to care of us. He knows what we need; we think we know what we need, but Christ knows what our real need is, and He intercedes […]
Cooperating with Christ’s Intercession by Praying one with Him for His Move on Earth

After passing through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, the Lord Jesus was ascended to the heavens and was made Lord of all, King of kings, the High Priest, and the Minister of the heavenly places. As our divine High priest, Christ is doing mainly two things: He is saving us to […]
via truthquestions.org.uk – When Is The Real Royal Wedding? Who takes part in the Royal Wedding?
Especially if you live in the UK, you have heard that Prince William is engaged and will get married soon. But really, When and Where is the real royal wedding? There are many preparations going on for this human wedding, and the whole United Kingdom / Great Britain is looking forward to this wedding…. but […]