If we come to the Word of God as His loving seekers, we receive many blessings. First, we will receive light becoming life; the Word of God is the embodiment of God as light, and as He shines on us, the divine life comes into us to regenerate us and grow in us. Christ as […]
Experiencing the Blessing of Being Watered and Absorbing God in His Living Word
A Priest is a Person who Serves in Newness of Spirit and Ministers to the Lord

This week we have been both enjoying and prayerfully studying the definition of a priest: what is a priest according to the Bible, and how can we be priests to God today. Christ Himself is the High Priest, and the way for us to be priests is to have Christ reproduced in us. A priest, […]
Being Renewed Day by Day to have God’s Element Added to us and Live in Resurrection

In order for us to live in resurrection, we must be renewed day by day with the fresh supply of resurrection life (2 Cor. 4:16). God is new, His life is new, resurrection is new, and everything about God is new; we are old, getting older, and dying, and nothing we can do in and […]
Living in Resurrection by Knowing, Experiencing, and Gaining the God of Resurrection

As believers in Christ, we firmly believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead by God, and now He is at the right hand of God in the heavenlies; our Christ is a Man (yet God) who is now in the heavens on the throne of glory! Hallelujah! The matter of resurrection is foundational to […]
Being Renewed Day-by-Day and Being Constituted with Christ for the NEW Jerusalem

Every believer in Christ is “a little New Jerusalem” and every local church should be “a miniature of the New Jerusalem”. Our life and work as believers today should be to work out and live out the New Jerusalem, since this holy city is what God desires to obtain and works throughout the ages to […]
Having a Daily Life of Eating and Drinking Christ as a Memorial in the New Jerusalem

It is so encouraging to know that we are becoming the NEW Jerusalem! Today we are in the process of being renewed day by day by having God’s element being wrought into us, and we will be so new that we will be called New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:1-2). In our natural man there’s nothing new, […]
we have an organic union with our evergreen, fresh, and forever new God!

The genuine believers in Christ do not live for themselves, trying their best to better themselves to become good people to be appreciated by others. Rather, the genuine believers produce satisfying fruit and cheering drink for others to be happy and to enjoy the Lord. There’s an overflow of the divine life which they daily […]