When we speak of the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, we need to see that the glory of God is involved with Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and coming again. Amen! May the Lord have mercy on us that we drop our concepts and turn our heart to the […]
The Glory of God is Involved with Christ’s Incarnation, Living, Death, and Resurrection
Christ was Glorified in His Resurrection and Released the Fire of His Divine Life!

Christ was glorified by the Father in His resurrection and released the glory of His divinity, that is, He cast the fire of the divine life on the earth to enlarge the divine incorporation and include man. Hallelujah! What God desires to gain today is a corporate entity among men that is filled with […]
Glorify God and Release His Divine Life by being Conformed to the Death of Christ

For us to be conformed to Christ’s death (Phil. 3:10) is for us to take Christ’s death as the mold of our life; the more we are conformed to the death of Christ, the more we glorify the Father. The apostle Paul was a pattern to us in the matter of experiencing and enjoying […]
Experience the Death of Jesus for His Life to be Manifested and the Body to be Supplied

We minister life by dying, for when death operates in us, life operates in others (2 Cor. 4:12); our need is to stay in the death of Jesus so that His life may be manifested in us and the Body of Christ would be supplied with life. This is something very wonderful that takes place […]
Being Conformed to Christ’s Death to experience Christ for the Release of God’s Life

On one hand, Paul wanted to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings; on the other hand, he wanted to be conformed to Christ’s death, that is, take Christ’s death as the mold of his life. On the Lord’s side, He first experienced death and then entered into […]
Seeing the Effect of Christ’s Crucifixion and Experiencing its Life-Releasing Aspect

The crucifixion of Christ is an amazing event and reality; the effect of Christ’s crucifixion is excellent, and the life-releasing aspect of His crucifixion is truly amazing. Human death is sad, sorrowful, terrible, dreaded, and even horrible, but the Bible speaks of the death of Christ and we emphasize His death as being something wonderful. […]
Christ as the One Grain Died to Produce us as the Many Grains in His Resurrection

One of the most overlooked and neglected truths in the Bible in general Christianity today is the revelation of Christ as the one grain-producing many grains in His resurrection for His Body, the loaf, to become the New Jerusalem (John 12:24). The Apostle John saw this lack and he stepped in to speak of the […]