Our God is a God of joy, and He fills us with all joy and peace; Christ is our joy, and when we abide in the Lord, His joy abides in us and our joy is made full, for we are rejoicing in the Lord and enjoying Him. Praise the Lord! This week we […]
The Triune God is a God of Joy and Christ is our Joy as we Abide in Him to Enjoy Him
Enjoy Christ in our Soul and Experience Christ in our Spirit for the Furtherance of the Gospel

We experience Christ in our spirit but we enjoy Him mainly in our soul; we need to learn to enjoy Christ in our soul by having one soul and having fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel in a corporate way. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, […]
Put on the Lord Jesus to Live Christ, Magnify Him, and be full of Joy and Rejoicing

Regardless of our circumstances, we need to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and put on Christ for His expression and magnification, being filled with joy and rejoicing in the Lord, magnifying Christ for His corporate expression in the genuine church life. Amen! May the Lord make us such ones. May the Lord bring us to […]
May we Live Christ to Magnify Him today by Expressing Him in His Unlimited Greatness
![For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and [the] bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/For-I-know-that-for-me-this-will-turn-out-to-salvation-through-your-petition-and-the-bountiful-supply-of-the-Spirit.jpg?fit=300%2C169&ssl=1)
May we believers in Christ be those who live Christ to magnify Him today by expressing Him in His unlimited greatness! We need to be saved from the failure of not living Christ and from the defeat of not magnifying Christ; may we live a life in Christ’s ascendency, a life that is fully […]
Exercise our Spirit to be Renewed, Gain more of God, and Rejoice in the Midst of Sufferings

Our Christian life is a life of suffering, but in the midst of sufferings we rejoice, for more of God is added to our being, and we are daily being renewed; our desire is to gain more of God. Our sufferings and difficulties are an opportunity for us to gain more God, for us to […]
We were Reborn Crucified and we are Dying to Live so that Christ may Live in us

We believers in Christ have been reborn crucified and we are dying to live; we were crucified with Christ and now it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us by the stripping of the natural man and the renewing of the new man. We need to have a proper view […]
Being Joined in Soul to both Experience Christ in Spirit and Enjoy Him in our Soul

It is possible for us to have the experience of Christ without the enjoyment of Christ, that is, it is possible that we experience Christ in spirit without enjoying Christ in our soul; the problem is our soul. Oh Lord Jesus! Paul wrote the epistle to the Philippians to help the believers to not only […]