We need to exercise our spirit to contact the Lord and live by the new man, turning from our mind to our spirit as we come to the Word of God so that the Bible would become a book of life and we would receive spirit and life when we come to it. The book […]
Learning to Exercise our Spirit to Contact the Lord in His Word to Receive Spirit and Life
As Christ’s Continuation, we should Live the same kind of Life that Jesus Lived

The Lord Jesus set up a model for our God-man living – He was crucified to live so that God might be expressed through humanity; today we are His continuation, and we should live the same kind of life that Jesus lived. If we read the Gospels we can clearly see a pattern, an example, […]
Rejecting any Mixture of the Law and Old Testament Practices with God’s New Testament Economy

We must receive the Lord’s mercy to learn the lessons in the book of Acts in the spreading of the church, and in particular we need to practice the Body life and take the word of the Spirit through the members of the Body, and reject any mixture of the old testament practices with God’s […]
Rejecting Self-Cultivation and Allowing Christ to Fill us and Live a God-man Life in us

As believers in Christ, the goal of our Christian practice and of our Christian living is to live the life of a God-man, the same kind of life that the Lord Jesus lived when He was on earth. Our practice shouldn’t be just something according to the Bible but the God-man living. Being a Christian […]