God’s desire is that all the believers regenerated by His life would be the same as He is, reigning in life. We can reign in life, on the one hand, by receiving the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:17, 21), and, on the other hand, by allowing the divine life […]
The Goal of Reigning in Life: Living a Life of the Highest Virtues for the Body Life
Reigning in Life by Being Ruled in the Sweetness of Love and by Enjoying God as Grace

Our destiny as believers in Christ is to reign with Christ for God over all things. Today we need to submit to God’s authority and His sovereign arrangement in our circumstances and environment so that we may reign in life through Christ. The reigning in life the Bible talks about has nothing to do with […]
Reigning in Life by Submitting to God’s Authority and by Being Ruled by His Life

God’s desire is to make Himself the same as man is so that man may become the same as God is in life, nature, expression, and function, but not in the Godhead. This means that God wants man to rule with Him and through Him over all things. We need to see that our position […]
God’s Complete Salvation is for Us to Reign in Life by Receiving the Abundance of Grace

In His complete salvation, God intends not only to redeem us from the eternal perdition through His judicial redemption but also that He may fully save us in His life through His organic salvation. In the book of Romans we see this so clearly: God’s complete salvation has two aspects, the judicial aspect (His redemption) […]
God’s Intention is that Man would Reign in Life with Christ over All Things

God had a specific purpose in His creation of man. He created man in His own image and with His likeness so that man may express God and represent God (see Gen. 1:26). This means that God has a twofold desire in His creation of man – He wants man to possess His image and […]
sharing from the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2) – drinking Christ and being in the jubilee (part 2)

This sharing is the second part of sister Rona’s summary of what she enjoyed in the recent video training on the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2) – the last messages in the training. Two times a year we have these trainings where we get into the crystallization-study of a book in the Bible, and we have just […]
the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy: what is the birthright?
We have spent 1 week in Poland this year in the “Poland camp” getting into The Significance, Preciousness, and Enjoyment of the Birthright in God’s Economy. What is the birthright, and why is it so important? Especially in the Old Testament / in the old times, in a family, the firstborn son had “the birthright”, […]