Solomon’s splendid kingdom, with his prosperity under the rich blessing of God, is a type of Christ’s kingdom in the millennium; we need to grow in life unto maturity so that we may reign as kings in life in this age and be the co-kings with Christ in the next age to rule over […]
Being Today’s Overcomers who Mature in Life to Reign as Kings in Life in this Age
We are Kings in God’s Economy Reigning in Life by Enjoying the Abundance of Grace

The history of the kings of Israel is related to God’s eternal economy concerning Christ and the church; we as believers in Christ are to be kings reigning in life by enjoying the abundance of grace and by having the top enjoyment of Christ. The Old Testament is a book of pictures, figurative pictures […]
Being Brought to the Throne by Experiencing the Humanity of Jesus with its Virtues

God’s desire is not only to save us from eternal perdition but to bring us to the throne; for us to be brought to the throne, we need to experience the humanity of Jesus with its virtues, and we need to reign in life. God’s goal is to bring us to the throne; His desire […]
One who is Full of the Stature of Christ Reigns with Christ and Deals with the Enemy

Being full of the stature of Christ is a Body matter – it cannot be accomplished individually. We need to remain in the Body and experience Christ for the Body so that we may attain to maturity in the spiritual life. Also, as we let the life of Christ grow in us and saturate all […]
God’s Complete Salvation is for Us to Reign in Life by Receiving the Abundance of Grace

In His complete salvation, God intends not only to redeem us from the eternal perdition through His judicial redemption but also that He may fully save us in His life through His organic salvation. In the book of Romans we see this so clearly: God’s complete salvation has two aspects, the judicial aspect (His redemption) […]
God’s Intention is that Man would Reign in Life with Christ over All Things

God had a specific purpose in His creation of man. He created man in His own image and with His likeness so that man may express God and represent God (see Gen. 1:26). This means that God has a twofold desire in His creation of man – He wants man to possess His image and […]