The history of Israel in the Old Testament is a full type of the history of the church, and the recovery of a remnant of the children of Israel from Babylon to Jerusalem for the rebuilding of the temple and the city signifies the Lord’s recovery of a remnant of the church out of today’s […]
Being Recovered to the Unique Ground of Oneness and the Enjoyment of Christ’s Riches
The Recovery of the Church in Relation to God’s Intention and Satan’s Destruction

What God desires to gain in this age is the church, and this week we want to see the original condition of the church, the degradation of the church, and the recovery of the church. According to Ephesians and to the experience of all those who seek God, there’s something hidden in the heart of […]
We Need to Practice the Church Life by Being Church-Conscious and Body-Conscious

All believers in Christ need to grow in life, be transformed, be matured, and arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. One of the most practical ways for our daily life to arrive at a full-grown man is to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man […]
sharing from the recent conference – Knowing the Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ
After a wonderful weekend at the International Conference in Holland, the response in my being to the rich speaking we received on ‘Knowing the Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ’ is a huge and resounding Amen. I quote the speaking brother “Lord, now after a quarter century we are here again”. Not since Stuttgart 1985, […]
being recovered to having the proper fear and respect for God that comes out of a spiritual knowledge of God
This morning I was enjoying the verses in Isaiah 11:2-5 in the morning revival on week 7 in the Crystallization-study of Isaiah (1), which say, 2. And the Spirit of Jehovah will rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and the fear of […]