In the New Testament all believers are both priests and Levites, and all our service should be under the supervision of the inward, spiritual view of the New Testament priesthood. In the Old Testament those who served God were of two classes – Levites (who did more practical things, serving the tabernacle and the priesthood, […]
As Priests and Levites we Enjoy God and Minister Christ while doing Practical Things
The Coordinated Body of Priests, the Priesthood, is God’s Built-up Spiritual House

God’s heart’s desire to have a corporate expression in this universe is fulfilled by the priesthood; what the Lord is doing today is to recover the priesthood, and we as believers in Christ need to cooperate with Him to be those who are brought into His presence and even into the Lord Himself until we […]
Seeing that the Building up of the Church as God’s House Depends on the Priesthood

The greatest prophecy in the Bible is that uttered by the Lord Jesus in Matt. 16:18, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. God’s goal is the building, and the unique work Christ is doing today is to build up the church as the Body of Christ, the […]
The Recovery of the Priesthood for God to have the Freedom to Fulfill His Purpose

This week we are getting deeper into the matter of the recovery of the priesthood for God’s building, and specifically we want to see what is the desire of God’s heart, what is the Lord’s need in His recovery today, what is God’s goal and to what extent this goal has become our goal, and […]
Being Filled and Saturated with Christ to Express Him and become God’s Dwelling Place

The Lord today desires to recover the universal priesthood of all the believers in Christ for God’s building. He wants that all believers would be restored to a normal situation according to the divine standard from a condition of failure, degradation, loss, and abnormality. We need to be open to the Lord in a fresh […]
Seeing how Christ is the Food, the Clothing, and the Dwelling of the Priests

The Lord today desires to recover the priesthood for God’s building; when there’s a group of priests who live and function in a normal way, the Body of Christ is built up. We need to be restored to a normal situation, a proper situation according to the divine standard, from a condition of failure, degradation, […]
The Need for the Recovery of the Priesthood among us: All Believers are Priests!

Starting from today for 8 weeks we will be enjoying a very precious yet neglected matter in the Bible, the Priesthood for God’s building. No matter how much we have been in the church life and have known the Lord, we need a recovery of the priesthood with us, in us, and among us. The […]