The first epistle the Lord sent to the seven churches in Rev. 2-3 was to Ephesus, and He had only one thing against them, that they left their first love; therefore, they had to repent and do the first works – if not, He would come to them and remove their lampstand out of its […]
Never Leaving our First Love for the Lord but Giving Him the First Place in all Things
simple ways of loving the Lord with our first love by giving Him the first place

The church in Ephesus was a “good church” – it was an orderly and a formal church, but God had something against it, that it has left its first love toward the Lord (Rev. 2:4-5). We can be good Christians, church-going believers, and we may read the Bible regularly and claim we are Christians before […]
degradation comes in when we lose our first love for the Lord, when we have an idol
When we were saved, when we believed into the Lord for the first time, we had eyes for the Lord Jesus only, and we didn’t see anything or anyone else but Him. Actually, when we were saved we entered into a love relationship with the Lord, into a life-union with Him, where we love Him […]
enjoyment from “The way to do the work of an evangelist(2)”, podcast 20 at
Did you manage to listen to podcast #20 from The title is “The Way to do the work of an Evangelist(2)” – Doing the work of an evangelist may seem like a difficult and intimidating task. However, the ministry of the age presents us with the practical way to accomplish this, and that way […]
loving the Lord with our first love = giving Him the first place in all things

Continuing the thought from the previous post (“why this waste“), what does it mean to love the Lord? In Mark 12:30 it says “you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart and from your whole soul and from your whole mind and from your whole strength”. Also, in Matt. 26 – where […]