Today we are in the age of intensification, and we are continually being saved from degradation by loving the Lord with the first love and by the speaking of the sevenfold intensified Spirit; Christ’s sevenfold intensified heavenly ministry will consummate this age and bring in the New Jerusalem. Praise the Lord! The New Testament […]
Cooperate with Christ’s Sevenfold Intensified Heavenly Ministry to be His Overcomers
Loving the Lord with the First Love, Being His Testimony, and Functioning as Priests

May we be those who are loving the Lord with the first and best love, those who are His testimony on earth today, and who function as priests in the church life! In His epistle to the first church, the church in Ephesus, in Rev. 2, the Lord appreciates some of the things she has, […]
overcoming the loss of the first love by giving Christ the first place in everything

I feel like we can never exhaust this topic which is also our experience daily. How can we overcome the loss of our first love for the Lord? How can we come back to Him to love Him with our first and our best love? We need to overcome the loss of the first love […]
overcoming the loss of the first love by giving the Lord the preeminence in all things

One very simple way to overcome the loss of the first love for the Lord is to give Christ the first place, the preeminence, in all things. The Bible begins with, “In the beginning, God …” (Gen. 1:1), and Colossians tells us that Christ must have the first place, the preeminence, in all things (Col. 1:18). In order for us to love the Lord with the first and best love, we need to consider the Lord Jesus as the first in everything. In God’s eyes and in God’s economy, Christ is the first – but what about in our personal universe, in our decisions, considerations, emotions, living, walking, speaking, attitude, and in all our being? [read more online]
being recovered to eating Christ as the tree of life: we are Christians who eat the Lord!
In the church life the primary matter should not be anything else but eating Christ as the tree of life. Enjoying Christ as our life supply, eating Jesus in the Word daily, and taking God in as life – this should be the primary matter in the church life. The church life should be filled and enriched with much eating of Christ, much assimilating of the element of God into our being! [continue reading + add your own portion online]