The Lord Jesus is the bread of life, and He gave His flesh for us to eat and His blood for us to drink; however, the physical flesh profits nothing – it is the Spirit who gives life, and the words the Lord speaks to us are spirit and life, for Christ has become the […]
Christ became the Life-giving Spirit and the Word to give us Life: we can Eat Him!
Experience the Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Building up of the Church

As believers in Christ, we need to know, experience, and be absolute for the subjective truths; we need to know and experience the subjective truth, which is Spirit and life, for the producing and building up of the church. Indeed, God desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of […]
We Love one another with the Divine Love by Enjoying Christ in the Divine Dispensing

After the Lord Jesus washed His disciples’ feet in John 13, He gave them a new commandment, which is to love one another even as He loved them; real love is the issue of enjoying Christ in the divine dispensing. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The […]
Exercise our Spirit and be one with the Lord to Receive and Speak God’s Word for His Increase

Hallelujah, we can exercise our spirit and be one with the Lord to receive and speak the word of God for His increase in us and in others! It is very important for us, believers in Christ, to realize that the regenerated part of our being is the multiplication and reproduction of Christ, the increase […]
The Organic Increase of the Church is the Increase of Christ in His Body as His Bride

The organic increase of the church is the increase of Christ in His organic Body as His bride; He must increase and we must decrease, and this takes place by enjoying Him in His word and by speaking His word who is Spirit and life for the increase of Christ. As believers in Christ, we […]
Exercise our Spirit over God’s Word for the Written Word to become the Applied Word

In our experience as believers in Christ, the written word of God needs to become the living word spoken by God to us which is applied to us by and in the Spirit to become our subjective faith; we need to turn the Bible into a book that is full of life, light, spirit, and […]
Learning to Exercise our Spirit to Contact the Lord in His Word to Receive Spirit and Life

We need to exercise our spirit to contact the Lord and live by the new man, turning from our mind to our spirit as we come to the Word of God so that the Bible would become a book of life and we would receive spirit and life when we come to it. The book […]