As believers in Christ, we need to be those who receive the Lord as our grace upon grace, receive the abundance of grace, by coming to the throne of grace in our spirit, so that we may enjoy Him and so that grace may reign in us for us to reign in life. Amen! […]
Receive the Abundance of Grace for Grace to Reign in us for us to Reign in Life
We can Enjoy and Experience Grace in our Spirit by Calling on the Name of the Lord

We can continually receive the Spirit of grace and enjoy and experience grace with our spirit by calling on the name of the Lord with the exercise of our spirit, for Christ as grace is with our spirit. Hallelujah! Grace is entirely a matter of God’s economy; whatever is not in God’s economy cannot […]
Reigning in Life by Receiving the Abundance of Grace to Receive the Crown of Life

The Lord’s promise to the overcomers in the suffering church in Smyrna is that He would give them the crown of life (Rev. 2:10). In the Lord’s speaking to the church in Smyrna, a church under persecution, in suffering, and facing death, we can see the glorious victory of the crucified and resurrected Christ over […]
Receiving and Dispensing Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

We thank and praise the Lord for saving us through His grace; even while we were sinners He showed us mercy and grace, and when we heard the gospel, faith was generated into us and we believed into the wonderful person of Christ, who is so full of grace and reality. Now our Christian life […]
Enjoying Grace to Grow in Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

As believers in Christ, we were born again by the grace of God, and now we need to grow in grace by enjoying all that Christ is to us as our spiritual food and living water. We are like Isaac: he was born through grace and he was also grown up in grace (Gen. 21:8). […]