We want to be those who cooperate with God’s economy by exercising our spirit day by day to receive God’s dispensing. God’s eternal economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into His chosen people so that He may have a house to express Himself; we cooperate with God’s economy by seeing it […]
Cooperate with God’s Economy by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God’s Dispensing
Exercise Ourselves unto Godliness by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God’s Dispensing

We need to exercise ourselves unto godliness by exercising our spirit to pray and receive the divine dispensing; for this, we need to build up the habit of exercising our spirit, even forcing ourselves to exercise our spirit, for this exercise does not happen in a normal or default way. On God’s side, He […]
We Live Christ for His Magnification by the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by living Christ for His magnification by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; we need to live Christ and magnify Christ by this bountiful supply day by day. Amen! Before we can live Christ for His magnification, however, we need the […]
Growing up into the Head, Christ, by Holding the Head to Grow with the Growth of God

As believers in Christ, we need to grow up into the Head, Christ, in all things, having the growth of God, the increase of God, for the growing of the Body to be the one new man. There’s a difference between growing in Christ and growing up into the Head, Christ, in all things. Many […]