Blending is for the reality of the Body of Christ; the reality of the Body is a corporate living of being conformed to the death of Christ by the power of His resurrection, and it is a mingling living in the eternal union of man and God in the resurrection of Christ. As believers in […]
The God-man Living is a Mingling Living of the Conformity to the Death of Christ
The Reality of the Body: a Corporate living of a Crucified Life by the Divine Life

The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ, which is the corporate living of a group of God-men who have been perfected and matured; we need to live a crucified life by the divine life following the Lord’s pattern to be in the reality of the Body of Christ. […]
Being Empowered in the Lord to Fight the Battle in the Body to Deal with God’s Enemy

The warfare between the church and Satan is a battle between us who love the Lord and who are in His church and the evil powers in the heavenlies; we fight the battle in the Body by the power of the Lord! Hallelujah! In order for the church to be built up as the […]
Living in the Local Churches and being Blended together for the Reality of the Body

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to bring all the local churches into the fellowship of the Body of Christ and bring all the saints into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ. For this, we need to enter into the blending life of the Body […]
We’re Blended Together for the Reality of the Body of Christ through Much Fellowship

For the reality of the Body of Christ, God has blended the Body together; He is adjusting, harmonizing, tempering, and mingling the members of the Body so that any distinctions would be lost, and all the believers would be ushered into the reality of the Body of Christ. On our side, however, we need to […]
The Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Overcomers by God’s Life to Express God

The Lord urgently needs the overcomers who have a corporate God-man living to be the reality of the Body of Christ expressed in the local churches; such ones live a crucified life by the resurrection life of Christ, and they express Christ for the building up of the Body. God needs a small number of […]
Living a Crucified Life by the Power of Resurrection for the Reality of the Body

Even as Christ lived in this world, so should we; as Christ lived a crucified life daily, so we need to be those living a crucified life by taking Christ’s death as the mold of our life so that we may live out the reality of the Body of Christ. Becoming a Christian is one […]