As believers in Christ, we need to learn Christ and be taught in Him to live a life of reality; we can live in the reality that is in Jesus because we are in the true One, the One who is true! Hallelujah! The whole world with the human living in the fallen being under […]
We can Live a Life of Reality and Learn Christ because we are in Him who is True
No longer Walk in the Vanity of our Mind but Live the Life of the New Man: Reality is in Jesus

Human life under the sun is vanity, but we as believers should no longer walk in the vanity of the mind but live the life of the new man as the reality is in Jesus. Hallelujah, reality is in Jesus, and we have Jesus living in us to be our reality! We human beings are […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Reality in Jesus lived out Corporately

The reality of the Body of Christ is the reality in Jesus (Eph. 4:21); the way that the Lord Jesus lived on earth is the way that the members of the Body of Christ should live today – a life according to the reality in Jesus. What is reality? How can we have reality? We […]
The Living of the One New Man should be Exactly the same as the Living of Jesus

The living of the one new man should be exactly the same as the living of Jesus; we need to live according to the spirit of our mind, and we will have a living that corresponds to the reality in Jesus. As believers in Christ we have been put into Christ as the mold for […]
Not Living in the Vanity of our Mind but Learning Christ as the Reality is in Jesus

Before we were saved we lived in the vanity of our mind, but through faith in Christ and baptism in Him we have learned Christ even as the reality is in Jesus, and now we put on the new man with the new living, the church life. By faith in Christ we have received Him […]
We Put on the New Man by Putting on the Community Life of the New Man, the Church Life

As believers in Christ who have seen something of God’s eternal purpose and desire to gain the one new man, we need to put off the old man and put on the new man, that is, put on the community life of the one new man. We need to cooperate with the Triune God to […]
Praising Christ the King in His Fairness and Sweetness, Victory and Majesty (Psa. 45)

Psalm 45 presents a full picture and a complete view of Christ’s beauty; the psalmist is praising Christ’s beauty in Himself as the King, in the church as the queen, and in the overcoming believers as the princes, the sons. In the first eight verses we see the beauty of Christ as the King (typified […]