In the Bible there’s a whole chapter that speaks of the worship of God – John 4. Here we see the Lord Jesus taking a detour through a Samaritan city, and while His disciples went into the city to get some food, the Lord talked to a sinful Samaritan woman who came in the heat […]
Worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truthfulness and in the Divine Dispensing
The Triune God is the Triune Enjoyment and the Triune Living of the New Jerusalem

God is mysterious, but He has been revealed in and through His word, the Bible. In the Word of God we see what God’s plan and purpose is, and we see that from the beginning of the Bible to the end He desires to gain only one thing – a dwelling place, a building, a […]
Seeing how Religion was Invented, What Religion Does, and the Result of Religion

I have always been puzzled by the record in Genesis 4 concerning Cain and Abel bringing an offering to God – how come Cain took the lead to do it, he worked really hard to present something to God, and he was all-in-all “a good person”, but God rejected his offering? On the other hand, […]
God needs us not to do great works for Him, but rather He needs us to eat Him and to drink Him
God desires that we would just enjoy Him! We see this clearly in the picture presented at both ends of the Bible: in the beginning, in Genesis, we see a man before the tree of life, and there’s a river that waters all the garden and reaches out to the whole earth! At the end […]
The Key to Experiencing Christ is our mingled spirit, and the best way to enjoy Him is to call on His name

How can we experience Christ? How can we contact God? God today is not only in the heavens, sitting on the throne, and He is not just ruling and reigning over everything – He is now as personal to us as being in our mingled spirit! When we received the Lord Jesus into us by […]
simple ways of speaking so that we may drink of Christ as the Spirit, the springs of salvation
God wants us to worship Him – but not in the way that any religion portrays this to us. In John chapter 4 we see that the Lord Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman about worshiping God – the place of worship is our spirit (since God is Spirit), and the way to worship […]