The Lord is the bread of life for us to eat, and we can eat Him as such a bread by pray-reading His word and by allowing the word to have the thoroughfare in our being as we say Amen to the Lord’s speaking. Whenever we read the Bible, we need to come to the […]
Eating the Lord by Pray-reading the Word and giving Him the Thoroughfare in our being
Becoming Overcoming Stars by the Bible and by the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

As we see that today God speaks to the messengers in the churches, the stars shining bright for Him, we need to ask ourselves, How can we become an overcoming star in this dark age? The Bible reveals at least two main ways to become an overcoming star – by the Bible, and by the […]
we are being made one in the reality of the Father’s sanctifying word

In the Lord’s prayer in John 17 we see that there are three levels of oneness, or three increasingly important ways for us as believers in Christ to be one. Firstly, we are one in the Father’s name and by the Father’s divine life (John 17:6-13). Secondly, we are one in the reality of the […]
a trainee’s testimony – the full time training is the best place to be infused with God!
The life in the training is a practice of the kingdom life. I wasn’t bothered that much by the outward problems and difficulties that I faced, but I started to see my old man who is very active, wanting to fulfill God’s law. But I realized that only Christ can make it. I must be defeated and let Christ be victorious in me in every way [read online the sweet testimony of a trainee after his first semester in the FTTL, the Full Time Training in London, UK]
being helped in reading the Bible consistently with the brothers by using
These past few months I really enjoyed texting, emailing, or writing on facebook / twitter to remind my companions to read their portion of the Word and update it on the website! I may be at home and the brothers may be in their homes / dorms – but we can pursue the Lord by reading of the Word consistently and regularly! [read more online]