On God’s side, the Bible is God’s breathing; on our side, the Bible is for us to receive the breath of God as our profit in teaching, conviction, correction, and instruction in righteousness; the Bible is profitable for teaching, conviction, correction, and instruction in righteousness, so that we may be men of God fully equipped […]
The Bible is Profitable for Teaching, Conviction, Correction, Instruction in Righteousness
Inhale God as we Read the Bible and Exhale Him as we Speak to others to Minister Life

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for us so that we may be equipped and perfected for every good work; we need to inhale God as we read the Bible to receive life, and we need to exhale God as we speak to others to impart life to them. Amen! This is the only way […]
God’s Desire and our Need is to Come to the Full Knowledge of the Truth Today

God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; today the Lord is recovering the full knowledge of the truth and we all have the capacity to come to this knowledge, for we need to come to and be in the full knowledge of the truth. […]
The Lord’s Present and Instant Speaking Washes and Reconstitutes us with God’s Element

The Lord’s present and instant speaking washes us, cleanses us, and reconstitutes us with God’s element to make us the holy city, New Jerusalem. We need to have the Lord’s speaking, which is His presence; when He speaks to us, His word washes us, for it is the instant, living word that both cleanses us […]
Being Dispositionally Sanctified by the Washing of the Water in the Word of God

We are being washed by the water in the word of God so that Christ as the life-giving Spirit would dispositionally sanctify us and make us His glorious, spotless, blameless bride. Amen! The holding line in the carrying out of God’s eternal economy in relation to man is the divine sanctification. God is holy; He […]
Stay in the Process of being Purified by the Lord’s Life and the Pure Word of God

We need to remain in the process of being purified from all mixture by reading the Bible, the washing of the Lord’s life, and by our obedience to the truth. As believers in Christ, we can live out and work out the New Jerusalem by living and serving in the intrinsic significance of Ezra’s […]
We need to Avoid Differing Teachings and Focus on God’s Economy to Protect the Church

For us to build the wall, we need to avoid differing teachings and focus on the healthy teaching of God’s economy. We need to build the wall to protect the church from differing teachings, which are contrary to the teaching of the apostles; we need to hold to and uphold only the healthy teaching […]