The creation of the new man has been completed on the cross, but the renewal of the new man is still going on; the new man was created by Christ on the cross, but we believers need to partake of this creation. This week in our deeper study of the matter of the one new […]
The Creation of the New Man was Completed, but the Renewal of the New Man is Going on
What was Divided and Scattered in the Old Man is Recovered in the One New Man

We praise the Lord that, what was divided and scattered in the old man is recovered in the new man, and today we can put off the old man and put on the new man! Amen! It is really clear, when we read Ephesians 2, to see that Christ terminated all the negative things and […]
The Church as the One New Man Fulfills the Twofold Purpose of God in Creating Man

The church as the one new man is the corporate man in God’s intention in creating man, and this new man will fulfill the twofold purpose of expressing God and fighting God’s enemy to bring in His kingdom. When God created man in His image and according to His likeness, He stated His intention: He […]
Put off the Old Man, not be Conformed to this Age, and Put on the New Man

The way we can live a holy life for the church life is by putting off the old man, not being conformed to this age, and by putting on the new man in our experience. The Israelites’ not living in the manner of the Egyptians signifies that we as believers should put off the old […]
The Body is one with the Head, so we have the Authority to Bind and Loose in Prayer

If we see that the Body is one with the Head in the heavens, we as the church will exercise the authority of the Head to bind and loose what has already been bound and loosed in the heavens. This is because in our daily living we realise we are members of the Body of […]
We need to Learn Christ as the Reality is in Jesus for the Living of the New Man

For the corporate living of the one new man, we need to learn Christ at the reality is in Jesus; we can be those learning Christ because we have been put in Christ as the mold and we have Christ as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit. This expression, learning Christ in Eph. 4:20-21 is […]
We need to Grow up into Christ in All Things and our Growth has to be in the Body

For God to gain the corporate living of the one new man on earth, we need to grow up into Christ in all things, and our growth has to be in the Body of Christ. As we focus on the topic of the one new man (which is the goal of the Lord’s recovery), this […]