The key for us to put off the old man and put on the new man is being renewed in the spirit of our mind; our inner man needs to be strengthened to invade, subdue, and occupy every part of our soul, and we need to be in God’s word with much prayer to be […]
Put on the New Man by Being Renewed in the Spirit of our Mind through Prayer and the Word
The Creation of the New Man was Completed, but the Renewal of the New Man is Going on

The creation of the new man has been completed on the cross, but the renewal of the new man is still going on; the new man was created by Christ on the cross, but we believers need to partake of this creation. This week in our deeper study of the matter of the one new […]
We all need to Take Christ as our Person for the Practical Existence of the One New Man

For the one new man we all need to take Christ as our person so that He in us may have a certain living that is the living of the new man. This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic, which is, Taking Christ as our Person for the One New […]
What was Divided and Scattered in the Old Man is Recovered in the One New Man

We praise the Lord that, what was divided and scattered in the old man is recovered in the new man, and today we can put off the old man and put on the new man! Amen! It is really clear, when we read Ephesians 2, to see that Christ terminated all the negative things and […]
Put off the Old Man, not be Conformed to this Age, and Put on the New Man

The way we can live a holy life for the church life is by putting off the old man, not being conformed to this age, and by putting on the new man in our experience. The Israelites’ not living in the manner of the Egyptians signifies that we as believers should put off the old […]
Cooperating with the Triune God to Put Off the Old Man and Put On the New Man

As believers in Christ, we need to cooperate with the Triune God to put off the old man, which was terminated on the cross by Christ, and put on the new man, which was created through Christ’s death and resurrection. We have seen that there’s an urgent need to see the church as the one […]
We Need to be Renewed in the Spirit of Our Mind for the Body and the One New Man

God’s desire and intention in creating man is to have a full-grown corporate man who is filled with His life and accomplishes His purpose to express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion (see Gen. 1:26). The first man Adam fell, but God Himself became a man to bring in a new […]