To exercise our spirit is to discern our spirit from our soul, to live the normal church life and overcome any degradation by pursuing Christ with those who call on the Lord, and to pray, approaching God in a personal and confiding manner for God’s interests to be carried out on the earth. Amen, we […]
We Discern our Spirit from our Soul, Pursue the Lord, and Pray for God’s Interests
Focus on Christ and Think the One Thing: to Enjoy and Experience Christ Subjectively

As believers in Christ, we need to focus on Christ and think the one thing – the enjoyment and experience of Christ in a subjective way day by day. Since the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ is the unique solution to all the problems in the church, we should focus on the one thing […]
Pursue Growth and Maturity in the Life of Christ until we Arrive at a Full-Grown Man

As believers in Christ who have the life of God in their spirit, we need to pursue growth and maturity in the life of Christ until we arrive at a full-grown man, the church as the Body of Christ growing into a mature man. None of us can say that we have already arrived […]
We Pursue Christ and Worship God, being no longer Slaves of sin or idol worshippers

As believers in Christ, we pursue Christ to gain Him and worship God, being no longer slaves of sin or idol worshippers. The prophet Elijah was raised up during one of the darkest hours of Israel’s sad history when they worshipped idols; may we heed the warning and be those who pursue Christ to gain […]
Exercising our Right to Enjoy Christ in our Spirit by Pursuing Christ to Gain Him

Like Ruth, we need to exercise our right to partake of the rich produce of Christ, the reality of the good land; we are part of God’s elect, we are joined to the Lord in our spirit, and we can pursue Christ to gain, possess, experience, and enjoy Him. Hallelujah! The book of Ruth is […]
As we Labor on Christ and Eat Him, we’re Constituted with Him and become God’s Inheritance

As believers in Christ, we are constituted with what we eat; Christ is our heavenly food for our enjoyment, and as we labor on Christ as our good land, we gain Him as our enjoyment, we are constituted with Him, and we are transformed to become Christ’s treasure, His possession. Amen! This week we come […]
Being the Overcomers who Gain Christ for Christ and bring Christ forth to Write God’s History

We may have read the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth many times, but we may have never realized what is the hidden, intrinsic significance of these books; we may have never thought that we need to enjoy and gain Christ for Christ, and we need to take the good land and be the proper […]