When the church as the house of God is strengthened and safeguarded, it becomes the city of God, the kingdom of God, and the influence of the enjoyment of God will gain the whole earth for God, and all men will praise God! Hallelujah! Psalm 68 is an amazing chapter, revealing Christ as the center […]
Seeing that the Influence of our Enjoyment of God will Gain the whole Earth for God
Enjoying God in His House, being Loaded with God as good, and Praising God

The second section of Psa. 68 speaks of the enjoyment of God in His house; in His house we are loaded with God as good (the good is God Himself as our salvation and everything), He delivers us, He gives us victory, and we praise the Lord! Hallelujah! In the first section of this psalm […]
In His Ascension Christ Led us Captive and gave us as Gifts to Build up the Body

In Psa. 68 we see the many wonderful things that Christ did in His ascension; He ascended on high, He led captive those taken captive (Christ led us captive, the believers), He received gifts from the Father, He gave gifts to the Body, and all this is for His dwelling place, the church. Hallelujah for […]
just come to the meetings and praise the Lord: He loads you with good and the enemy is defeated!
This is a secret we all discover as we go on with the Lord in the proper church life – all we need to do is come to the church meetings and praise the Lord! Satan bothers us, situations may be overwhelming, people may have problems with us, we may have a lot of things we didn’t do quite right, or there’s a lot of accusations inside… whatever happens, don’t miss the meeting of the church!
restfully “enjoying the spoil” of all Christ has accomplished and then “publishing the gospel”
It is amazing how this poetic expression – there are dove wings covered with silver, and its pinions, with greenish-yellow gold – signifies and points to the Triune God with all the items of His complete, full, and all-inclusive salvation (Rom. 5:10, 17). Christ has won the victory after He fought the battles in His death, His resurrection, and His ascension – and He has great spoils to share with those who resftully enjoy Him! We as God’s elect and as the women, those who abide at home, enjoy all the spoils of Christ as our portion in Christ and announce them to others as glad tidings
Christ as the Center of God’s Move on the Earth: Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered!
God’s move today is in man – He moves in Christ to come into man and move in man. God’s move in man is to deify man – to make man the same as He is in life and in nature, but not in the Godhead!