As believers in Christ we are the increase of Christ and we cooperate with Him to propagate the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the kingdom of God on earth. This week we focus on the matter of the development of the kingdom of God. In Matt. 5 the Lord Jesus began […]
In Acts the Disciples are Spreading Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God
We Proclaim Christ as the Lord of All, the Judge of all men, and the Lord Jesus

The all-inclusive Christ we proclaim is the Lord of all, the Judge of all men and even the Judge of the world, and the Lord Jesus, the object of the believers’ faith. The Lord Jesus is no longer here with us physically on earth, but all genuine believers in Christ are His continuation, His propagation, […]
Being Witnesses of Christ as the Leader and the Savior, the Son of Man, and God Himself

The all-inclusive Christ we are propagating by being His witnesses on earth is the Leader and the Savior, the Son of Man, and even God Himself who purchased the church with His own blood. What we are today is not preachers but witnesses. God doesn’t want people who merely teach others about the Bible but […]
Enjoying and Witnessing the All-inclusive Christ as the Author of Life and God’s Servant

The Christ we witness for His propagation is the all-inclusive Christ, and this One is the Author of life, the holy and righteous One, and the Servant of God. How do we witness Christ? On one hand we witness Him by our living, by living Christ, living by the Spirit. But this is not all. […]
Continue Steadfastly in Prayer and the Word to be Loaded with Christ and Preach the Gospel

The book of Acts reveals a group of people who live in the divine history within human history by continuing steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the word; they enjoyed Christ and became evangelists for the spreading of the gospel, being “loaded with Christ” as they went out. The disciples in Acts were […]
Cooperating with the Work of the Spirit to Propagate Christ for God’s Shining Testimony

The book of Acts is still being written today, for our God is always advancing and the Holy Spirit is working to propagate Christ for God to gain shining golden lampstands, the church as the Body of Christ. All throughout the Bible we see that there’s a divine history going on within the human history. […]
Today we are Preaching Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His Propagation

Christ is both the only Begotten Son of God and the firstborn Son, and what we announce today is Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His propagation. He was, is, and always will be the only Begotten Son of God in His Godhead, and He always existed and will always exist as such […]