The service of the priests was in nature a spiritual warfare, and the portion of the priests was nothing other than Christ – Christ was their house, inheritance, land, clothing, food, and everything. As believers in Christ we are priests to God; we are a holy priesthood, a royal priesthood, priests to God and to […]
Our Work in Serving God is a Warfare, and Christ is our Unique Portion and Inheritance
As Priests and Levites we Enjoy God and Minister Christ while doing Practical Things

In the New Testament all believers are both priests and Levites, and all our service should be under the supervision of the inward, spiritual view of the New Testament priesthood. In the Old Testament those who served God were of two classes – Levites (who did more practical things, serving the tabernacle and the priesthood, […]
We need to Match God in His Move on Earth today by Serving Him and Ministering Christ

The holy service portrayed in Numbers was for a God who is very active and moving; our priesthood and service is not for Christ who is inactive but for a Christ who is very active, and we must match God in His move. On one hand as believers in Christ we are a holy and […]
As Levites we Handle Christ and as Priests we Minister Him with His Riches to Others

As believers in Christ we are priests to God and our full-time job is to handle Christ (as the priests handled the items of the tabernacle) and the church, and to minister Christ in all His rich aspects to people. The book of Numbers is a book of service, and this service is a holy […]
Our Holy Service in the Church is Based on Life under the Divine Administration

This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers we come to the matter of the Service of the Priests and the Levites for God’s move, a crystal in this book which is mainly based on Numbers 3; in the church life today we have a holy service. There are three main sections […]