We’re God’s Spiritual House and the Holy Priesthood Offering up Spiritual Sacrifices

As believers in Christ, we are a holy priesthood, the coordinated body of priests, to be the built-up spiritual house, and our corporate priestly service is to tell out as the gospel the virtues of the One who has called us so that we may offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. […]

The Supply of the Body is the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

The supply of the Body of Christ is the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, typified by the compound ointment, the holy anointing oil; the compound Spirit is in and for the Body and for the priestly service that build up the Body. This week we come to three further principles of the […]

We need to Realise that our Priestly Service is in the Nature of Spiritual Warfare

Our service as priests is in the nature of a warfare, for we are a priestly army and whenever we do any service for God, it is in the nature of spiritual warfare; all our priestly service is a spiritual fight. We should not be, however, warfare-focused but rather, as we clearly see in picture […]

We need to Match God in His Move on Earth today by Serving Him and Ministering Christ

The holy service portrayed in Numbers was for a God who is very active and moving; our priesthood and service is not for Christ who is inactive but for a Christ who is very active, and we must match God in His move. On one hand as believers in Christ we are a holy and […]

Our Holy Service in the Church is Based on Life under the Divine Administration

This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers we come to the matter of the Service of the Priests and the Levites for God’s move, a crystal in this book which is mainly based on Numbers 3; in the church life today we have a holy service. There are three main sections […]

We need to be Built up to be God’s Dwelling Place to Serve Him as the Priesthood

In the building of God, the goal of God’s work and His heart’s desire, the living stones are the priests, and the building is the priesthood; for us to be the priesthood in reality, we need to be built up in God and with one another for God’s building. If we read the Old Testament […]