As believers in Christ who pursue the Lord and love Him with the first love, we should love His appearing and earnestly await for the Lord’s coming; our very living should indicate that we have no other hope on earth. As believers in Christ, genuine Christians, are a special group of people; we are […]
We love the Lord, Earnestly Wait for His Coming, and we pray, Come, Lord Jesus!
Being Watchful and Beseeching that we Prevail to Escape the Hour of Trial and be Raptured!

In Luke 21 the Lord Jesus told us to take heed to ourselves lest our heart be weighed down and that day will come as a snare upon us suddenly, and also to be watchful and beseech that we would prevail to escape the great tribulation and stand before the Son of Man. Our aspiration […]
Be Watchful by Paying the Price to gain more of the Spirit in our Soul and be Ready!

We praise and thank the Lord that He has regenerated us and came as the Spirit in our spirit; however, for us to be prepared for His return, we need to pay the price to gain more of the Spirit in our soul. The parable of the ten virgins in Matt. 25 is a very […]
Live in the Lord’s Presence and be Watchful and Matured to be Made Ready to be Raptured

For us to be taken by the Lord at His return, we need to be those who are watchful and mature for His imminent coming and prepared and ready to be His bride, so that we may be raptured before the great tribulation. If we read the Bible and have the Lord’s shining, we will […]
Being those Watchful, Ready, and Prepared for the Lord’s Secret Coming as a Thief

To the dead and dying church in Sardis, the Lord tells to watch, for He comes as a thief, and they will by no means know at what hour He comes upon them (Rev. 3:3); we need to be watchful and ready, for the Lord will return at an hour we do not expect to […]
Christ will return to smash the human government and bring in God’s kingdom

When the Body of Christ is built up sufficiently, the Bride of Christ is prepared for the Lord’s return, and He will come to rapture His overcoming ones. After the overcomers are raptured, there will be the 1000 years wedding feast with the Bridegroom and the Bride. After the wedding feast, the Bridegroom and the […]
learning to live a life together with the Lord, contacting Him moment by moment

Recently, I was enjoying these verses in 1 Thes. 5:9-10 with the Lord, concerning contacting Him: For God did not appoint us to wrath but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us in order that whether we watch or sleep, we may live together with Him. We human […]