The breastplate that the high priest had to wear on top of the ephod had twelve precious stones on which the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were engraved; this signifies that we as God’s redeemed and transformed people are being built together to become one entity. The high priest wore the building of […]
Being Mingled with God to be Transformed into Precious Stones Built up Together
Being Transformed, Transparent Precious Stones with Christ Inscribed into our Heart

As priests to God, we believers must spend time with God to be infused with Him and filled with His Spirit so that, when we meet others, we would bring God to man and man to God. In the Old Testament type we see that the high priest had to wear a certain set of […]
12 Precious Stones on the Breastplate: We are Being Transformed, Mingled, and Built up

The central and ultimate point of the priesthood, and the central item of the priestly garments was the breastplate of judgement (see Exo. 28:15-30). As priests to God today we need to see what this breastplate signifies and how can it be applied to our Christian life. The breastplate of judgement was made of gold, […]
everything we need, God as the “I AM” is! We can enjoy Him by turning to Him!(Poland camp 2011)
When God called Moses (Exo. 3:14), He revealed his name – He is the “I AM”, the “I am who I am”. Only GOD IS – He is the eternal One, without beginning or end. Everything else: Satan, the world, our problems, our feelings, etc DON’T EXIST! God is, and we are not! There is […]
we are being transformed and built into a miraculous structure of treasure, the New Jerusalem!
“The New Jerusalem is built by the Triune God, as the divine Architect and Builder, with Himself and His deified people as the material to be a miraculous structure of treasure; He is God in us to make us God in Him (Heb. 11:10; 1 Cor. 3:12; 1 Pet. 2:4-5; Rev. 21:3)” – quote from the […]
God’s eternal purpose as revealed in the seven figures in Genesis 2
While reading and enjoying Genesis chapter 2, with the help of the Life-Study and the footnotes in the Recovery Version, I was impressed with the seven figures presented in Genesis 2. Actually, this picture has been drawn by God Himself in His Word and reveals to us what is in His mind and what He […]