Because all authority in heaven and on earth was given to Christ in His resurrection, we can go with His authority to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; we go with the Lord’s authority to bind the strong man and […]
We Go to Disciple all the Nations having the Lord’s Authority to Bind and Loose
We need to Know and Study the Highest Truth in the Bible to be Equipped to Speak

We need to fully know and be absolute for the highest truth in the Bible, and we need to be equipped with the truth so that we may speak the high truth to others for God to gain them and bring them into His eternal purpose. Amen! May we be those who are brought […]
God Shines in our Hearts that we may Shine on Others for them to Gain Christ as Treasure

God shines in our hearts so that we may shine on others for them to have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; we need to spend much intimate, personal, face-to-face time with the Lord to have His shining, and then let Hhine on others. Amen! Our whole […]
A Fresh Seeing of God as Love and Knowing God’s Universal Love (2023 NACT)

This was my first time attending the North America College Training (NACT 2023). Before going, I prayed to the Lord that He would really shine in me and gain a breakthrough in my being. I thank the Lord He honoured my prayers and spoke a personal word to me during this time. Growing up in […]
Being a Divine Nation expressing the Divine Character and Bringing others into God’s Light

As a result of being reconstituted by the word of God, we become a divine nation expressing the divine character, a holy priesthood to express God; we need to be such ones and we need to teach others in the way of bringing them out of the satanic darkness into the divine light. Amen, […]
Having Discernment in our Contact with people and not being Defiled by the World

As believers in Christ who live a holy life matching our holy nature and pleasing our holy God, we need to be careful who we associate with, for our contacting people is a kind of eating, a kind of taking in something for our nourishment. Especially in this age today, many people take darkness […]
Let’s pray for all the saints to enter into the real meaning of being full time

Dear saints, let us pray that all the saints would fully enter into the real meaning of being full time, which is to live to the Lord (Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Hymns, #473 stanzas 1, 3). Hymns, #473, ss. 1 and 3: No mortal tongue can e’er describe The freedom of the soul, When […]