There is so much to enjoy and see concerning the vision in Ezekiel 1:15-21! The greatest revelation in the first chapter of Ezekiel is the wheel within the wheel (Ezek. 1:15-16). Christ as the hub (a small wheel) is within us as the rim (the bigger wheel, His expression on earth) causing us to move. […]
The Lord’s Move is in Our Move – He is the Wheel Within the Us as the Wheel
God’s Move on Earth is by the Move of “the High and Awesome Wheels” (Ezek. 1)
![God's Move on Earth is by the Move of "the High and Awesome Wheels" (Ezek. 1) [In the picture: Our God is living, our Lord is moving, and the Spirit is working, to carry out God's eternal economy. ]](
The way God carries out His economy is through His move, and God’s move is portrayed in Ezek. 1:15-21 by the move of the high and awesome wheels. When we walk from here to there we don’t need wheels, but when we go to specific places we need some wheels. God has a special move, […]
Real Prayers are the Holy Spirit Within Man Expressing God’s Desire Through Man
![Real Prayers are the Holy Spirit Within Man Expressing God's Desire Through Man [In the picture: We need to be one with the Lord to pray for the move of the great wheel of the divine economy. ]](
Concerning the matter of prayer we all need to admit that we don’t really know how to pray and what to pray as is fitting – we don’t know how to pray in such a way that we touch God’s desire and move His hand. This is our weakness (Rom. 8:26-27), and the Spirit with […]
Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God’s Economy (Ezekiel 1)
![Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God's Economy (Ezekiel 1) [in the picture: In every age and in every generation, the wheel of God’s economy has been moving on earth, and now we all are a part of the move of this great wheel.]](
In this universe, there is such a thing as the will of God, and what God desires to do is not necessarily related to matters related to our personal benefit and comfort. In His will, God wants to become the life, content, and everything to His people so that He may be expressed corporately through […]
Giving God our Full Cooperation for Him to Move in the Principle of Incarnation
![Giving God our Full Cooperation for Him to Move in the Principle of Incarnation [In the picture: In order for God to regain the earth from the usurping hand of the enemy, we need to be in full cooperation and coordination with Him in the principle of incarnation]](
These past few weeks we have been getting into the matter of prayer – a man of prayer, persevering in prayer, and the need for more prayer. But why do we need to pray? What is the goal of our prayer? We need to see that without prayer we cannot be one with the Lord […]
Exercising to Pray Unceasingly by Calling on the Lord and Talking to Him
![Exercising to Pray Unceasingly by Calling on the Lord and Talking to Him [In the picture: Eph. 6:18]](
The Lord Jesus tells us in Matt. 26:41, Watch and pray – the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Paul continues the Lord’s speaking on this matter and strengthens it by saying, Praying at every time in spirit, and, Persevering in prayer (Col. 4:2; Eph. 6:18). For us to watch in prayer implies […]
Watch and Pray: Being on the Alert for the Maintaining of Our Prayer Life
![Watch and Pray: Being on the Alert for the Maintaining of Our Prayer Life [In the picture: Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41)]](
There must be something about prayer that we need to watch with persistence in it, since both the Lord Jesus and Paul charges us to do so. At the end of Colossians and Ephesians, Paul encourages us to persevere in prayer and pray at every time in spirit – watching unto this in all perseverance (Eph. 6:18)! […]