We need to be patterns of the flock; the best way to shepherd the saints is by helping them contact the Lord to have His direct leading, and then help them to fellowship in the Body to have a confirmation in the Body concerning the leading they received from the Lord. The Lord as the […]
Be Patterns of the Flock, Contact God in Prayer, and Care for the Feeling of the Body
Being Balanced by the Body by having much Prayer and Fellowship with the Saints

As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His ultimate move today, we need to do everything according to the leading of the Spirit, honor the Lord as the Head of the Body, and are balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique oneness. On the one hand, we are […]
being a Christian Student on the Campus – the fellowship with other students is encouraging
The thing that has really kept me going through the whole semester has been living in the brothers’ house next to the campus. Whenever things are tough or I just need to pray or read something I can touch the Lord with one of the brothers [continue reading online]
maintaining a pleasant spirit and a sweet oneness in the church life through prayer and fellowship
In the church life, in the practical Body life, there are all ages for the Lord’s testimony – young ones, children, young adults, middle-aged saints, and older saints. Especially in the world and mainly related to position and ambition, there is much friction between the different generations – but to have dissensions between the younger […]