The Lord Jesus is the bread of life, and He gave His flesh for us to eat and His blood for us to drink; however, the physical flesh profits nothing – it is the Spirit who gives life, and the words the Lord speaks to us are spirit and life, for Christ has become the […]
Christ became the Life-giving Spirit and the Word to give us Life: we can Eat Him!
Eating the Lord by Pray-reading the Word and giving Him the Thoroughfare in our being

The Lord is the bread of life for us to eat, and we can eat Him as such a bread by pray-reading His word and by allowing the word to have the thoroughfare in our being as we say Amen to the Lord’s speaking. Whenever we read the Bible, we need to come to the […]
Breathing in the Breathed out Word of God by Pray-reading the Word to enjoy Christ

As believers in Christ, we live not by bread alone, but by everything that proceeds out from the mouth of God; when we’re pray-reading the word of God to inhale the breath of God, for all Scripture is God-breathed. Hallelujah! And the word of God is not far from us; God is not merely up […]
Allow the Lord to Break through in us and Abolish all Ordinances for the One New Man

On the cross Christ abolished in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, the middle wall of partition, and He created the new man in Himself; He destroyed all the ordinances to make peace, and He Himself became our peace. Hallelujah! On the negative side, Christ in His death destroyed all the negative […]
We Live Christ by being Saturated with the Word of Life through Pray-reading the Word

Philippians 2:12-16 is a definition of living Christ in Phil. 1:19-21, for the God who operates in us (2:13) is the supplying Spirit (1:19), for us to shine as luminaries (2:15) is to magnify Christ (1:20), and to hold forth the word of life (2:16) is to live Christ (1:21). Paul had a burden in […]
Turning our Heart to the Lord and being Led by the Spirit in our Time with Him in the Morning

I would like to share my personal experience regarding my morning revival with you all dear ones. We have heard that our morning times are crucial time and time again, but I believe we can all testify that when we overcome death (that is, our bed) and rise up by turning our heart to the […]
It is my Prayer and Desire to Stay in the Lord’s Dispensing All Day Long!

It’s my prayer and desire to stay in the Lord’s dispensing all day long! Morning watch is the key and the drive for having such an experience. I benefit a lot if I stay with the Lord in the morning for at least an hour! The first thirty minutes help me get into my spirit […]