The epistle of Paul to Ephesians reveals the living of the overcomers, those who live in the reality of the Body of Christ by living in the mingled spirit. Though the word, overcomers, is not mentioned in this epistle, the principle of the living of the overcomers is seen in every chapter, and it […]
The Living of the Overcomers is to Live in the Mingled Spirit and Pray-read the Word
Abide in the Lord and produce Soothing Oil and Invigorating Wine to Comfort and Cheer

As believers in Christ, we have been grafted into Him; we simply need to abide in the Lord and produce soothing oil and invigorating wine to comfort and cheer God and man. In order for us to partake of Christ with His riches, we need to be cut off from our old background, history, […]
Keep our being Open to the Lord to have Proper Spiritual Digestion and Absorb Christ

As believers in Christ who are learning to eat the Lord as the tree of life, we need to have proper spiritual digestion by keeping our being open to the Lord so that the spiritual food would be absorbed into us and we would be constituted with Christ. The secret to our Christian life, […]
Stay on the Way of Life by Loving the Lord to the Uttermost and by Eating Him in His Word

We stay on the way of life by loving the Lord to the uttermost, drawing others to run after Him, and by eating Jesus through pray-reading on the Word, musing on God’s word, and ministering the Word as the Spirit into others. As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ, we […]
We have Life and Live by Faith as we Contact God and are Infused with Him as Faith

The way for us to receive the linking faith and develop it is to contact the Lord by calling on His name, praying to Him, pray-reading His word, and musing on His word; through this faith we are linked to the Triune God and God is imparted into us so that we have life […]
Drink the Spirit by Speaking with Christ Constantly and Eat Christ by eating His Words

As believers in Christ, we can live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply; we need to daily drink the Spirit as the living water and eat Christ as our spiritual food so that we may live Christ and express Christ. Amen! It should be easy for us to live […]
Exercise our Spirit over God’s Word for the Written Word to become the Applied Word

In our experience as believers in Christ, the written word of God needs to become the living word spoken by God to us which is applied to us by and in the Spirit to become our subjective faith; we need to turn the Bible into a book that is full of life, light, spirit, and […]