The Lord Jesus came as the bread of life, and we can eat Him in His word; the means for us to receive the Lord as the bread of life is the word of life – we need to exercise our spirit to pray over God’s word and digest the word so that we may […]
Daily Enjoy the Life-giving Spirit in the Word to Eat Christ as the Bread of Life
Christ became the Life-giving Spirit and the Word to give us Life: we can Eat Him!

The Lord Jesus is the bread of life, and He gave His flesh for us to eat and His blood for us to drink; however, the physical flesh profits nothing – it is the Spirit who gives life, and the words the Lord speaks to us are spirit and life, for Christ has become the […]
The Living Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit to Kill the Adversary Within us

The word of God is the breathing out of God, and we as a man of God need to come to the word by means of all prayer and petition to receive the breath of God into us and also receive the word of God as the sword of the Spirit to slay God’s adversary. […]
Being a Man of God with the Breath of God who is Fully Equipped for Every Good Work

The issue of God’s breathing Himself through the Scripture and our breathing in of God through our praying and reading the Word with the exercise of our spirit is that we become a man of God who is complete, fully equipped for every good work; we become a man of God with the breath of […]
Being the Bride of Christ as a Warrior and having the Lord’s Joy as our Strength

On one hand, the church as the bride of Christ is beautiful, holy, and glorious for God’s satisfaction; on the other hand, the church as the bride must be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and for this, we need to pray-read the Word of God to be equipped with the sword of the […]
The Lord’s Present and Instant Speaking Washes and Reconstitutes us with God’s Element

The Lord’s present and instant speaking washes us, cleanses us, and reconstitutes us with God’s element to make us the holy city, New Jerusalem. We need to have the Lord’s speaking, which is His presence; when He speaks to us, His word washes us, for it is the instant, living word that both cleanses us […]
Our need to be Reconstituted with the Word of God to be God’s Testimony on the Earth

Ezra was used by God to reconstitute the people of Israel by educating them with the heavenly truths so that Israel could become God’s testimony; we need to be a divinely constituted people to be God’s testimony by being reconstituted with the word of God. Amen! Ezra was not a prophet who spoke the […]