We are preserved in the church life and in the ministry by receiving the word as the Spirit to be the killing sword, which is a spiritual antibiotic to kill the “germs” within us so that we can live a healthy Body life, a healthy church life. This is a secret that we all must […]
Being Preserved by Receiving the Word of God as the Spirit to be the Killing Sword
Stay in the Process of being Purified by the Lord’s Life and the Pure Word of God

We need to remain in the process of being purified from all mixture by reading the Bible, the washing of the Lord’s life, and by our obedience to the truth. As believers in Christ, we can live out and work out the New Jerusalem by living and serving in the intrinsic significance of Ezra’s […]
Take Time to Absorb Christ in our Personal Time with Him to Grow in Him for the Body

As believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ as the rich soil so that we may grow with the elements that we absorb from Him; therefore, we need to take time to absorb Christ by having an adequate and considerable amount of time with the Lord personally and privately so that we spontaneously […]
Being Faithful and Prudent Slaves who give God’s People Food at the Proper Time

We must be faithful in service in the Lord’s commission to give God as food to the members of His household so that we may win Christ as our reward in the coming kingdom; we need to be the faithful and prudent slaves giving them food at the proper time! Amen! This week in our […]
As God’s Living Word, the Law Functions to Infuse God into us for us to Live Christ

The law is God’s living word infusing His substance and element into His loving seekers so that God in Christ would be spirit and life in them and fulfill the law in them. We need to take every part of the law – all the commandments, ordinances, statutes, precepts, and judgements – as the word […]
Christ as the Living Word is in our Mouth and in our Heart for us to Breathe Him in

Christ is the living Word of God who, as the breath that proceeds out of God’s mouth, is in our heart and in our mouth for us to inhale, breathe in, and be supplied and strengthened as we call on the name of the Lord. Hallelujah! In Deut. 30:11-14 Moses speaks of the commandment, and […]
Put on the New Man by Being Renewed in the Spirit of our Mind through Prayer and the Word

The key for us to put off the old man and put on the new man is being renewed in the spirit of our mind; our inner man needs to be strengthened to invade, subdue, and occupy every part of our soul, and we need to be in God’s word with much prayer to be […]