I never thought that Psalm 45 is so much related to the way for us to be prepared as the bride of Christ, but this psalm is very high and wonderful, for in it we see the psalmist’ praise of the Lord as the King in Himself, in the church (as the queen), and in […]
Christ as King will Reign on Earth with the Overcomers as His Helpers in the Kingship
Praising Christ the King in His Kingdom and in the Sweetness of His Virtues (Psa. 45)

Psalm 45 is full of the praise of Christ, and in the first eight verses we see praising Christ the King in His fairness, His victory, His kingdom, and His virtues; our Christ, the King, is more than worthy to be praised and spoken well of! He is fairer than the sons of men – […]
Praising Christ the King in His Fairness and Sweetness, Victory and Majesty (Psa. 45)

Psalm 45 presents a full picture and a complete view of Christ’s beauty; the psalmist is praising Christ’s beauty in Himself as the King, in the church as the queen, and in the overcoming believers as the princes, the sons. In the first eight verses we see the beauty of Christ as the King (typified […]
praising Christ in the sweetness of His virtues and praising the church as the queen in her beauty
In Psalm 45 there is an extensive praising of Christ as the King and the church as the queen. The psalmist praises Christ in the sweetness of His virtues, especially in verse 8, “All Your garments smell of myrrh and aloes, of cassia; from palaces of ivory, harpstrings have made You glad“. What a poetic […]
praising Christ as the King in His victory and in His kingdom; praise Christ for His awesome deeds!
praising Christ as the King in His victory and in His kingdom; praise Christ for His awesome deeds – as seen in Psalm 45! Such a Christ – the Victorious One, the righteous One, the One performing awesome deeds, the righteous and victorious King – has been anointed by God with the oil of exultant joy above His companions!
since we have an affectionate love for the Lord Jesus, our tongue is like the pen of a ready writer
since we have an affectionate love for the Lord Jesus, our tongue is like the pen of a ready writer ready to write our love for Him and our praise to Him with our experience and enjoyment of Him according to all that He is! If we love the Lord Jesus, our tongue will be like the pen of a ready writer – we don’t need to “write a draft” of our love for Him, of the things we want to say concerning Him! If we have an affectionate love for the Lord Jesus, our heart is fully in love with Him, and we are ready to write our love our praise to Him…
Hear and see, forget and stretch forward to gain Christ now: the King will desire your beauty!
Psalm 45 is a psalm about Christ – praising Christ as the King. In this psalm we see a direct praise of Christ as the King and also an indirect praise of Christ by the psalmist praising the queen (the wife of the king), the daughters of the kings, and the sons of the king(the overcoming saints in the church). As a human being, a man needs a wife and children to be complete; in the same way, Christ is not a bachelor – He is the King with the queen and all the children! To praise Christ in a complete way, we must say something about Himself, about His queen, and about His children. Christ’s glory is seen in Christ Himself in the Gospels, in the church in the Epistles, and in the overcomers in Revelation. Praise the Lord for Christ, the church, and the overcoming saints!