Learning to Live a Life of Praise, Developing our Praise, and Being Persons of Praise

After God delivered them from Egypt and saved them from Pharaoh through their crossing of the Red Sea, the children of Israel sang the song of Moses, a song of praise to God for His victory and His salvation. In their song there is much praise to God for saving them the slavery in Egypt […]

Praise God for His Glorious Triumph over His Enemy and His Salvation of His People!

In the book of Exodus we clearly see that the goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation is the building of His dwelling place. Also, the central thought and the direction of the book of Exodus is the dwelling place of God. Once God has His building, He has a way to bring in His […]

offering up a sacrifice of praise to God through Christ and with Christ

What does it mean to praise the Lord? Does it mean to simply say it? Does it mean that only in the meetings of the church we raise our voices and we say, Praise God? This morning I was encouraged to see further than to worship God and to praise God means to simply present […]

in the meetings the Firstborn Son sings praises to the Father in our praises!

Even though the book of Psalms concludes with Hallelujah! to the Lord and we saw yesterday that everything that has breath is praising the Lord, what about us – do we live a life of praise? Do we praise the Lord from the very moment we wake up in the morning? Do we praise the […]

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

The last six psalms are called, The Hallelujah Psalms, because they all start and finish with the word, Hallelujah! They offer a consummate praise to God for all He has done and for all that He is to His people. When the earth is fully recovered by God and is being brought under the reign […]

having a life of praising the Lord to defeat His enemy and bring in God’s kingdom

The book of Psalms is a book of praise, and our Christian life should be a life full of praise and even a life of praising the Lord. If we were to check with ourselves, did we praise the Lord every day this past week? Did we praise the Lord every day this past month? […]

the principle of praise and the four levels of praise in our experience

The first mention of a certain matter in the Bible sets the principle of that matter for the whole Bible. The first major mentioning of praising the Lord in the Bible is in Exo. 15:1-18 where the people of Israel, after crossing the Red Sea and seeing Pharaoh and his armies being swallowed by the […]