The master key to every blessing in the New Testament is the one accord; we need to realize that in the church life everything depends on God’s blessing, and He pours out His blessing, even the fullness of the blessing of Christ, upon the saints in one accord. Amen! The one accord is really the […]
Being on Alert about our Speaking and Opinions, for One Accord is the Key to God’s Blessing
Practice the one Accord by being in one Spirit with one Soul, being Attuned in the same Mind

For us to practice the one accord, we need to learn to be in one spirit with one soul; we need to be attuned in the same mind and the same opinion so that we may be one in soul, not only one in spirit. Being in one accord is a vital factor for the […]
The Genuine one Accord in the Church is the Practice of the Oneness of the Body of Christ

The genuine one accord in the church is the practice of the oneness of the Body, which is the oneness of the Spirit; we already have the oneness, we just need to keep it, spend it, apply it, and practice it so that we may be in one accord. This week in our deeper consideration […]
We need to Enjoy the Eternal Blessing of the Triune God and the Blessing of Life
![[The blessing in Psalm 133:3 refers] to the eternal life of God (John 3:16; Eph. 4:18), which is commanded by God as a blessing to those who dwell together in oneness in the church life. Psalm 132 typifies the church life, in which God enters into His rest and we obtain satisfaction and rest in the habitation of God. Psalm 133 typifies the church living—the highest living, a living in which the brothers dwell together in oneness. Such a living causes God to come in to bless us with the anointing Spirit, the watering grace, and the eternal life. (Psa. 133:3, footnote 3)](
Our God is a God of blessing, and in Num. 6 we see the eternal blessing of the Triune God – the threefold blessing of Jehovah to His people, which the dispensing of the Triune God in His Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment. It is quite astonishing to realize that our God is […]
Being Body-Conscious by Caring for the Body and having Christ’s Feeling for the Body

The church is the Body of Christ, and we all are members of the Body; for the Lord’s move in His recovery both locally and universally, we all must be Body-conscious in one accord, always caring for the Body and doing what’s best for the Body. When we see the Lord Jesus for the first […]
Keeping the Oneness of the Spirit by Practicing the One Accord in the Church Life

It is crucial for us in the church life to keep the oneness of the Spirit by practicing the one accord. In John 17:21 the Lord prayed and aspired that all His believers would be one; He then later became the Spirit in His resurrection and breathed Himself into the disciples and then poured Himself […]