Hallelujah, we can enjoy the riches of God in Christ by remaining in the touch with the Lord in our spirit day by day! In the universal household of God, the greatest household in the universe, Christ is the unique Steward having the key of David on His shoulder, and He opens and closes […]
We Enjoy the Riches of God in Christ by Remaining in the Touch with the Lord
Christ needs the Human Nutrients in our spirit and Proper Soil in our Heart to Grow in us

The Bible shows us that the Triune God is coming into us to do a building work in us with Himself as the element together with the human nutrients in our spirit and the human heart as the soil; as He grows in us, we are built up to be the church as the […]
We need to be Pure in Heart and Poor in Spirit in Serving the Lord in the Church Life

In the church life today we need to be pure in heart and poor in spirit, and we need the be strengthened into our spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart. Our heart needs to be pure and single for the Lord, seeking Him in purity, and our spirit needs to […]
Experiencing Christ for the Church to Complete the Word of God in our Experience

Paul completed the word of God through his writings in his 14 Epistles, especially in the four epistles of Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Galatians (also called, the heart of the Bible). He was open to the Lord to receive a further revelation concerning the great mystery, Christ and the church. In his writings we see […]
Being Poor in Spirit and Pure in Heart to be Useful in Building up the Body

In order for us as Christians to be useful to the Lord for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we need to have a proper spirit. This means that our spirit needs to be right and proper; not only the things we do and the way we do things must be […]
We Grow in Life by Dealing with Our Heart so that Christ may Spread in Us

When we hear God’s word and our heart is turned to Him, something is implanted into us – Christ as life comes into us, and we exercise our spirit to receive Him. We receive Christ in our spirit, since our spirit is the organ created by God for us to contact Him and receive Him […]